Bickley Station, Kent, Completed November 2021

Removing and Replacing 2 Nr Access Stairs from Station Building at Street level to Platform level – For Bam Nuttall – duration of 4 weekends of 27 hour blockades and 3 months RoTR. Works completed included removing asbestos by using specialist, removing by crane 2 nr full construction Access stairs and disposing of stairs, supplying and installing 2 nr bespoke Steel Frame Access Stairs, supplying and installing new staircases, supplying and installing new internal and external GRP cladding, supplying and installing new double glazed windows and doors, supplying and installing new Aluminium Trapezoidal Roofing, supplying and installing new gutters and downpipes, carry out all drainage connections on the Platform, supplying and fitting new GRP handrails, new Tactile Paving to Platform, repairs to Platform surfacing.
Swanley Station, Kent, Completed November 2021

4 Nr Platforms & Footbridge – For Bam Nuttall – Duration 5 months RoTR. Works completed included replacing all Dura board Facia & Soffits to all Canopies, replacing all Aluminium Trapezoidal Roofing, replacing all Canopy Gutters & Downpipes, replacing all Footbridge Windows, supplying & fitting Aluminium Cladding to Station Building & Footbridge, supplying & fitting new GRP handrails, Concrete Repairs, Steel & Timber Repairs, new Stair Treads, new Tactile pavings, repair of Platform Surfacing.
Shortlands Station, Bromley, Kent, May 2020 – June 2020


Works Ongoing

£110,000 contract under Full COVID-19 regulations from BAM Nuttall for canopy works at Shortlands Station. Works completed include replacement of existing canopy columns, removal of existing canopy sections & rebuilding of canopy gable end. All works carried out on Line Blocks under COVID-19 restrictions
Pitlochry Station, Perth & Kinross, July 2018 – March 2019

2019 Award Winning Highland Main Line Project for Network Rail
£1,600,000 Contract from BAM Nuttall for platform extensions to the north end of both platforms and upgrade works to the existing platforms. Works completed included concrete foundations, precast cross wall & slab units to form 220m of extension, re-gauging of all platform copes, full new multi duct and duct route throughout station, complete re-surfacing of platforms circa 1800m2, new light columns, 600m of tactile studs, drainage, metal work & end gates, 600m of fencing & signage and new concrete access ramp.
Waverley Station, Edinburgh September 2018 – June 2019

£1,500,000 Contract from Story Contracting for Mechanical & Electrical upgrade works and associated civil engineering works. Works completed include new lighting to platforms & new water feed for train servicing.
Aberdeen to Inverurie Line – HEP Access Points June 2018 – August 2018

£100,000 Contract from BAM Nuttall for installing new track access points at various locations along the Aberdeen to Inverurie Line. Works completed include new GRP steps, boundary fencing and gates & New RRAP Access road.
South Shields Tram Interchange and Station March 2018 – June 2019

£100,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for Civils & M&E works at the new interchange and station. Works completed include new lighting, ducting, earthing & bonding, cabling and new distribution cabinets.
Eastfield Depot, Glasgow October 2017 – April 2018

£2,500,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for Upgrade works to the depot. Works completed include gravel & concrete access paths, trough routes, concrete access roads, height restriction barriers & bollards, strail & RRAP works, URX & UTX, new water feeds, CET Works, lighting columns varying from 5m to 15m & full rewire of depot and sheds including all associated duct and trunking routes.
Camelon Station, Falkirk September 2017 – December 2017

£1,500,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for upgrade works to the station. Works completed include re-gauging of all platform copes & oversails, multi duct, surfacing, new light columns, earthing & bonding works, tactile studs, drainage, metal work & end gates, fencing & signage and overbridge containment.
Falkirk Grahamston Station June 2017 – November 2017

£1,600,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for upgrade works to the station. Works completed include re-gauging of all platform copes & oversails, multi duct, surfacing, new light columns, earthing & bonding works, tactile studs, drainage, metal work & end gates, fencing & signage and overbridge containment
Falkirk High Station March 2016 – March 2017

£1,800,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for extension and upgrade works to the station. Works completed include concrete foundations, block built cross walls & slab units to form the extensions, re-gauging of all platform copes & oversails, multi duct, full re-surfacing, new light columns, earthing & bonding works, tactile slabs, drainage, metal work & end gates, fencing & signage and overbridge containment.
Queen Street Station, Glasgow April 2016 – June 2016

£380,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for deep drainage works to new platform ends, throat and tunnel. Works completed include installation of large diameter drainage pipe, large diameter GRP chambers & culvert connections. Works were successfully completed within a very tight and congested work area as part of the Queen Street Blockade Collaboration organised by Morgan Sindall.
Bishopbriggs & Lenzie Stations September 2015 – February 2016

£850,000 Contract from Morgan Sindall for upgrade works to the stations. Works completed include re-gauging of all platform copes & oversails, multi duct, surfacing, new light columns, earthing & bonding works, tactile slabs, drainage, metal work & end gates, fencing & signage and overbridge containment.
RACE Project Carmyle, Mount Vernon, Baillieston, Bargeddie & Kirkwood Stations February 2014 – February 2015

£4,200,000 in various Contracts from Carillion for upgrade and extension works to Carmyle, Mount Vernon, Baillieston, Bargeddie & Kirkwood Stations along with works carried out trackside between stations. Works completed include re-gauging of all platform copes & oversails, multi duct, surfacing, new light columns, earthing & bonding works, tactile slabs, drainage, metal work & end gates, fencing & signage and Substation access paths.